Universal XRays Corp

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Our In-Office Services

Digital Motion X-Rays

Digital Motion X-ray (DMX) is an invaluable tool for gaining insights into the source of your discomfort and, more importantly, for assisting you and your healthcare provider in formulating the most effective treatment plan. DMX proves especially beneficial for individuals who have endured injuries such as whiplash, concussions, or other neck-related traumas, leading to persistent symptoms. DMX captures a moving image of the bones while a person is in motion. It stands as a dynamic diagnostic instrument rather than a static one, applicable to all joints in the body. This real-time scan is conducted as the individual moves, distinguishing it from MRI, CT scans, and conventional static X-rays. In medical literature, Digital Motion X-ray is also referred to as cineradiography or video fluoroscopy. DMX excels at revealing spinal and peripheral joint instability stemming from ligament damage, as pain often arises during motion. It excels in detecting abnormal or excessive movement, a capability that static MRI and traditional X-rays lack. To draw a comparison, consider static MRI as a formal family portrait, while DMX is akin to a video capturing the actual dynamics of your family’s interactions.

Medical visits to PIP patients

We recognize the importance of accessible and compassionate healthcare for all, including those who receive PIP support. We are committed to ensuring your medical visits are seamless, supportive, and focused on your well-being. We offer medical assistance to help you lead an independent and healthy life. However, navigating the healthcare system can be complex, and that’s where we come in to assist you.
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X-rays pass a controlled amount of this high-energy radiation through the body. Different tissues and structures absorb varying amounts of X-rays as they pass through. Dense tissues, like bones, absorb more X-rays and appear as white areas in the image. Less dense tissues, like muscles and organs, allow more X-rays to pass through and appear darker in the pictures. While X-rays are a valuable tool, safety is a top priority. X-ray machines of the present day are built to reduce the amount of radiation that individuals are exposed to. to patients and healthcare providers. Strict guidelines and protocols are in place to ensure safe and responsible use of X-rays
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MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, is a remarkable achievement in contemporary healthcare. It empowers us to delve into the intricate intricacies of the human body, all without resorting to radiation. Instead, MRI capitalizes on the potency of robust magnetic fields and radio waves to craft extraordinarily intricate portrayals of your body’s inner workings. This gentle, non-invasive procedure provides unmatched clarity into your well-being, assisting in the early identification, assessment, and ongoing observation of an extensive array of medical conditions.
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Also known as sonography or ultrasonography, is a noninvasive imaging procedure. It involves high-frequency sound waves to generate real-time images or videos of internal organs and soft tissues, including blood vessels. These resulting images are referred to as sonograms. This technique allows healthcare professionals to visualize and examine soft tissues within the body without surgical incisions. Notably, unlike X-rays, ultrasound does not employ radiation for imaging purposes.

Out-of-office Services

Portable X-Rays

Portable X-rays, also known as mobile X-ray units or handheld X-ray devices, are compact and lightweight imaging machines that allow X-ray examinations to be conducted directly at the patient’s bedside or in remote locations. These devices have transformed traditional X-ray procedures by eliminating the need to transport patients to radiology departments. Benefits of Portable X-rays 1. Mobility and Accessibility: Portable X-ray units can be easily transported to various healthcare settings to make it clearer to various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and even patients’ homes. This accessibility ensures that patients receive timely and efficient diagnostic services. 2. Reduced Patient Discomfort: Portable X-rays minimize the discomfort associated with moving to a dedicated imaging room for patients with mobility issues or those in critical conditions. The convenience of bedside imaging improves patient care and overall experience. 3. Faster Diagnosis: Portable X-rays offer rapid image acquisition and processing, allowing healthcare providers to make quicker diagnoses and treatment decisions. This speed can be crucial in emergencies. 4. Cost-Efficiency: By eliminating the need for multiple patient transfers and dedicated radiology rooms, Portable X-rays can lead to cost savings for healthcare facilities.
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Portable Ultrasounds

Portable ultrasound machines operate like conventional ultrasound machines, with the vital distinction being their compact size. With advancements in ultrasound technology, many tasks that once required bulky consoles can now be accomplished with these more compact counterparts. While traditional ultrasounds may still be necessary in specific situations, portable ultrasound devices have become increasingly prevalent.


(305) 559-0003




175 Fontainebleau Blvd,
Suite #1K, Miami, FL 33172

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